Vill du hjälpa nyanlända elever på Skäggetorpsskolan i Linköping?

Just nu behövs en stor hjälp med de många nyanlända som har kommit till Linköping och framförallt Skäggetorp. För att hjälpa dessa elever att komma in i vårt samhälle och lära sig svenska försöker vi därför att hitta faddrar på Linköpings universitet som kan hjälpa till. Detta innebär att umgås med eleverna (2 elever per fadder) ca 1 gång i veckan (eller hur mycket tid och behov som finns), vilket kan vara alltifrån läxhjälp till en fika på stan. Andra lösningar går också att göra då ni t.ex. kan vara 2 faddrar på 3 eller flera nyanlända barn!
Vill du hjälpa till eller har du några frågor?
0738090946 eller

SULF – How to become supervisor and mentor

SULF:s doktorandsektion har nyligen givit ut en skrift om att bli handledd och handleda. Finns att läsa här (svensk och engelsk version):

SULF doctoral student section has recently published a booklet on to become supervisor and mentor. Available here (Swedish and English version):

KICK-OFF 2014 Vårdnäs.


This year the KICK-OFF is planned for 24th-25th October and DOMFIL will be taking you to the lovely Vårdnäs by beautiful lake Rengen. We will leave on Friday 24th at 12 in the afternoon from HU/US Linköping with travel arrangements. We will also arrange an additional smaller transportation at 14.00 and later times if needed Besides learning more about DOMFIL and discuss how we can improve your experience as a PhD student, we have planned a full day: starting by lunch with lake view, team activities, and dinner in a barbecue cabin followed by evening activities (among them sauna and maybe a cold swim in the lake for the courageous!). After a nice overnight stay and further discussions, we will end the KICK-OFF with lunch and be back in Linköping on saturday 25th at 14.30.

The event is only for members.  In order to be a new member or to renew your membership you can do so by following the link Join DOMFIL now! Further information shall be provided to the attendees upon confirmation. Deadline for registration and payment is October 2nd. Sign up here for the KICK-OFF!

Cost : 100 SEK. Payments should be made to: Bankgiro 5323-2062, remember to write your name as the payment reference.


  • Afterwork at Nationernas Hus on the 1st of October: Join us for another afterwork at NH! We will be there from 18.00 on 1st of October. All DOMFIL members get a 60 SEK discount voucher to use in the restaurant and bar.
  • Floorball: Every Monday DOMFIL members get together to play floorball: 18:00-19:00 at Fridtunaskolan.
  • Available DOMFIL representative positions: Being a representative is an interesting and important task. Please consider if you would like to be a representative. Contact the board at for more information. The following positions for DOMFIL representatives are still available: IKE board: 1 alternate member, IMH board: 1 regular member and 1 alternate member, FUM (Consensus parliament): 2 alternate members.

Best regards, DOMFIL.

C:\Users\sanko94\Pictures\like.jpg Like us on Facebook.

Join us for BBQ

When: Wednesday the 10th of September, 2014 at 17:00
Where: Behind Hälsan’s Hus (entrance 14)

Come and join us to the first DOMFIL-event of the semester! Everyone PhD Student at the faculty is welcome and no membership is needed. Let’s meet up, socialize and have some hot, tasty food straight from the fire. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know your fellow PhD students better and meet the new board members.

It is a free event and we will provide plenty of food and drinks. Vegetarian options are also available! If you have any special dietary restrictions and you want to go, send us an email at and we will see if we can work something out.

Present your research at the LiU popular science week

On the 21-23 of october there Linköping University will host a week of popular science. It is directed towards students in gymnasium (high school) and is usually very much appreciated. Usually around 900 students visit each day during this week. In the morning and afternoon there are lectures. In between these, there will be an exhibition where among others PhD-students from the different faculties at LiU will present their research. The organizers are now looking for 4-5 PhD-students from the Faculty of Health Sciences that are interested in presenting their research.

The exhibition will be held at 10.00-11.00 on the 21-23 of October. You may get help from the organizers to plan your participation thorugh e.g. help designing a poster, or getting equipment.

Link to populärvetenskapliga veckan:

If you are interested in this please contact Therese Ekstrand before 3 July at

Available positions in the DOMFIL board 2014/2015

The DOMFIL board 2014/2015 is still missing some persons.
Available positions are
– Chairman
– Educational supervisor
– Board member (position to be detrmined within the board themselves)

It is very important for DOMFIL that a chairman and an educational supervisor are elected, otherwise DOMFIL may not continue as an organization.

If you yourself are interested in being part of the board or if you know someone who might fit for one of these positions, don’t hesitate to contact the election committee at or the current board at